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Somatic Sessions with Kelly

$250 for 90 minute session

$1000 for Immersion Experience for 90 Min Intention setting session, 4 hour Somatic Immersion & 90 min Integration session.


Somatic Services are NOT eligible for insurance reimbursement.


Individual Therapy

**Currently, Kelly does NOT Have any individual therapy spots available

$200 initial intake session including assessments and treatment planning, 60-75 min

$175 for 50-60 minute session


Kelly is In-Network with Blue Cross Blue Shield and Blue Care Network. Kelly is also able to provide a superbill for you to submit to your insurance provider for partial to full reimbursement.​


Accessibility and sliding scale:

We understand that investing in mental health services, whether through insurance or private pay, can be a barrier for some individuals. We keep a certain number of reduced fee slots available in order to support those experiencing financial hardship and barriers to treatment. If you are in need of a reduced rate in order to be able to afford treatment please reach out to see if there is a slot available. Oftentimes we have a waitlist for these spots due to high demand. 


Providing the highest quality treatment to each person we work with is our passion. This means we need to limit the number of people on our schedules in order to have a healthy balance of work and to protect ourselves from burnout. We fully support and continue to advocate working towards equal and accessible mental health treatment for all humans. However access to treatment is an entire social and community issue that cannot be resolved by a single provider.

Insurance Limitations for Mental Health Services


Insurance companies require mental health therapy to be “medically necessary”. This means mental health practitioners must indicate a diagnosis from the DSM V, create specific treatment plan goals and show progress towards goals in order for therapy services to be covered. This diagnosis and treatment plan becomes part of your permanent medical record. While mental health records are protected under HIPAA and confidentiality laws there are still potential impacts if you are applying for certain kinds of employment, insurance or certain types of background screening. While we are working hard to remove the stigma associated with mental health diagnosis it is important be aware to the potential impact for you when you select to use insurance for mental health treatment.




Insurance companies can dictate the length or frequency of sessions, rather than having this based on your needs. For example: denying 60 minute sessions and only approving 45 minute sessions. Insurance companies also limit types of treatment that are considered “medically necessary”. These requirements and rules impact the treatment you are able to receive. 

Insurance companies require paperwork detailing diagnosis, length of treatment and treatment goals as a condition of payment. In times of an audit to review for medical necessity, an insurance company may request full notes in order to assure sessions meet their criteria for medical necessity. By using your insurance you are agreeing to the release of notes related to your sessions in the case of an audit by your insurance company. Following an audit an insurance company may decide that sessions do not meet their criteria for medical necessity and deny payment for services. In this case you would be responsible for the cost of the sessions. While this does not happen very often and I work hard to ensure notes indicate medical necessity criteria is met and justify the need for continued services it is a potential situation when using insurance for therapy sessions.

Why is insurance not accepted for Somatic sessions?


While helping you to understand your mental health diagnosis (if applicable) is important, I find it to be more impactful to focus on helping you understand your response patterns and listen to your body. My passion is to help you  connect to your body and learn to regulate your system rather than manage symptoms of a diagnosis. 


Somatic sessions focus on FEELING into the body, identifying patterns of response, being present with physical sensations and engaging in practices to shift stuck energy and emotions. These sessions involve more presence of experience in the body and less process through story. I have created a framework for a combination of movement, use of breathwork, sound, and yoga that does not fit into the limitations of insurance. Somatic work often needs more time and space for processing and integration than what an insurance based therapy session would allow. Somatic sessions use a full 90 minutes to feel, be present, reflect and integrate. 

How do I know what my Insurance covers for Mental Health Services?

Insurance Terms to Know:

Deductible: amount you have to pay out of pocket before your insurance will pay towards your sessions

Coinsurance: % or set amount you have to pay per session (ex: 20% of the insurance contracted rate)

Copay: set amount you have to pay per session (ex: $20 per session)

Out of pocket Maximum: Amount you have to pay (usually includes deductible and coinsurance/copay amount) before insurance will pay full cost of sessions

Individual vs family (or plan) amounts: In general the individual amounts apply to 1 person and family amounts apply to everyone on the plan. If you have multiple people in your family you may meet your family deductible before meeting your individual deductible. 

In Network: Kelly is IN NETWORK for Blue Cross Blue Shield and Blue Care Network

Out of Network: Generally plans with out of network coverage have a separate deductible and out of pocket maximum for out of network. Kelly is able to provide a superbill for therapy clients with out of network coverage. This allows for clients to submit for partial or full reimbursement of services. 

Telehealth: If you are interested in receiving Individual Therapy via Telehealth please make sure your insurance covers telehealth with IN- Network or Out of Network providers depending on your plan.​

How do I verify my mental health coverage?

Check the Summary of Benefits that is typically included in your member information packet or on your insurance company website. 


Call your insurance company to verify (phone number is generally located on the back of your card).

  1. What is my IN Network/OUT of Network deductible for outpatient mental health care?​ Both individual/family if applicable.

  2. How much of my IN Network/OUT of Network deductible has been met this year? Both individual/family if applicable.

  3. What is my IN Network/OUT of Network out of pocket maximum for outpatient mental health care?​ Both individual/family if applicable.

  4. How much of my IN Network/OUT of Network out of pocket maximum has been met this year? Both individual/family if applicable.

  5. What is my IN Network/OUT of Network coinsurance for outpatient mental health care? 

  6. What is my IN Network/OUT of Network copay for outpatient mental health care?

  7. Do I need a referral from an in-network provider to see an out-of-network provider?

  8. How do I submit claim forms for reimbursement for OUT of Network services?

  9. Are Telehealth services covered under the plan? If applicable.

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